help • 15 Numbers and Number Mappings • Supplied Configuration Data • NumberFormatProfiles.config
15.6.1 NumberFormatProfiles.config
In this file you will find the definition of the various number types.
The following number formats are available for selection:
CLIP no screening
Formats the numbers with ISDN type and plan information to the public line
When the function "CLIP no screening" is used on an ISDN trunk for the calling party number for outgoing calls.
In this case the calling party number is defined by the server and signaled to the public line. This number is not checked for correctness (i.e. belonging to this connection) by the public line (no screening). This makes it possible, for example, to signal the caller's original telephone number externally in the case of forwarded calls.
The function must be set up separately with the telephone service provider.
*National numbers:
<Area code><Number>
Type = "National"
Example: 3478, 5060).
*International numbers:
<Country code><Area code><Number>
Type = "International"
Example: 3478, 5060).
Dial as a PBX user
Number is as an internal subscriber typically dials, i.e. at the associated location, taking into account the public line access code:
or internal number
or canonical number
In addition, for canonical numbers a 0 is removed which is incorrectly inserted when dialing from Outlook.
Transmits and interprets the number as a user of a telecommunication system does. For a connection to a subsystem, "Dial as a PBX user" should be applied for incoming calls for the called party number, and for outgoing calls for the caller number.
This setting is made automatically if you select the format "Internal Lines".
*internally for any user
*but also on a sub-telecommunication system
- the called party number for incoming calls
-the calling party number for outgoing calls
* +44 0 23147770
is converted into +442314770
*<Public Line Access><Number>
*Canonical number also possible
For this number format, it is assumed that all dialed numbers are meant as an extension.
They are correspondingly interpreted and generated, i.e. numbers of incoming calls remain unchanged. Outgoing numbers are prefixed by the public line access number of the superior telephone system.
Numbers not coming from the trunk's extension range are not converted.
ISDN trunk for the called party number for incoming calls to a direct dialing-in ISDN line.
Fixed Subscriber
For incoming calls, sets the number configured for this trunk. The analog connection does not supply a number, as the number is defined by the called line. In order that a called party number (inbound) is detectable for SwyxWare, the call is parameterized with the fixed line number.
This format should be set for an analog trunk.
The number on the analog connection is 475594. The destination number "Fixed Subscriber" is then configured in the profile "Standard analog lines" for the incoming call. In the number replacement on the analog trunk, all incoming destination numbers (*) are replaced by the fixed number of the analog connection (475594).
ISDN Italy
The number is formatted according to use at Italian exchange connections, with ISDN type and plan information.
ISDN trunks to Italian connections for the calling party number
*For incoming calls, depending on the signaled number type, the signaled number is prefixed with the country code or the local area code, in order to produce the canonical format.
*For outgoing calls, the public line access number of the superior telephone system and the call-by-call prefix digits are added.
*No call-by-call numbers are added to emergency call numbers.
ISDN Netherlands CLIP
The number is formatted according to use at Dutch exchange connections, with ISDN type and plan information.
Calling party number for incoming and outgoing calls at Dutch exchange connections
Only used for the calling party number. Outgoing numbers are converted normally according to type.
The emergency number 112 is converted from canonical format to 112.
Canonical without plus
This format corresponds to the canonical number format, but without leading +.
Calling party number or called party number for certain SIP providers
For outgoing calls, the numbers are signaled in canonical format without the preceding +.
For incoming calls, the canonical format is formed depending on the signaled number type, adding a + and the country code and area code to the signaled number as necessary.
<Country code><Area code><Number>
Canonical with plus
Canonical number format.
Emergency numbers are unchanged in the canonical format: e.g. 112.
Calling party number or called party number for certain SIP providers.
The emergency numbers of known countries are correctly converted, e. g. +44 20 112 to 112.
Incoming call numbers are expected in canonical format.
+<Country code><Area code><Number>
Corresponds to the format that you typically dial on the exchange connections of the respective country, but without taking into account your own local area code. This means that even if your own line belongs to the local public network (020), the dialed number must appear as 020 4777 555.
Called party number and calling party number for most SIP providers and ISDN connections.
For outgoing calls, the emergency numbers of known countries are correctly converted, e.g. +44 20 112 to 112.
For the normal outgoing calls, the public line access number of the superior telephone system and the long-distance call prefix are added.
For incoming calls, the public line access number of the superior telephone system and the long-distance call prefix are filtered out.
<Area code><Number>
Corresponds to the format that you typically dial on the exchange connections of the respective country, but taking into account your own local area code. This means that if your own line belongs to the local public network (020), the dialed number should appear as 4777 555.
For calling party number and called party number for most ISDN connections without direct dialing-in.
*For incoming calls, the public line access number of the superior telephone system and the long-distance call prefix are filtered out.
*Conversely, for outgoing calls the public line access number of the superior telephone system and the long-distance call prefix are added.
Does not describe a format, but rather the fact that numbers remain untouched by the general replacement, so that they can be altered with the specific number configuration.
Definition of individual replacement rules based on the server's internal number format.
Type and Plan
This format sets the type and plan fields within the ISDN transmission protocol in a generic way.
Very seldom used, and then only on ISDN connections
Special handling for specific numbers
In particular, the possibility of including connections at different locations in SwyxWare requires a separate consideration of special numbers and especially emergency numbers.
This special handling of the numbers is defined in the file Programme\SwyxWare\NumberFormatProfiles.config.
If you want to support special codes which are not listed in this file, you can configure these manually for the respective trunk group.
How to define the special handling for a number
1 Open the property page for the trunk group you want to use for dialing the special telephone codes.
2 Select the "Profile" tab, and click on "Configure...".
Number replacement configuration opens up.
3 Beside the field "Outbound Called Party Number", click on "Add...".
A window will open: "Add Number Replacement".
4 For every special telephone code you want, add the following rule:
*Original number: +<Country code><Area code><Special number>
Special telephone code
Example: Directory assistance (no. 11833 in London)
Original number +442011833
Replacement 11833
Please inform Swyx if there is a missing special telephone code, so that we can consider this code in future versions.