help • 12 Devices • SwyxPhones • Edit SwyxPhones
12.4.1 Edit SwyxPhones
You can edit the SwyxPhone settings.
With the PIN that you define for SwyxPhones, the user can also log in to certified SIP devices.
To edit the settings for a SwyxPhone
1 In the menu, select User.
2 In the line of the appropriate User, click on .
3 Click on on the right next to the User name.
4 Click on the sub-menu item Desk Phones that additionally appears.
5 Click on SwyxPhone.
Activate the checkbox to permit the use of SwyxPhones for the User.
User-PIN on Desk Phone
Enter a PIN or have a PIN created so that the User can log in to SwyxServer with any SwyxPhone and use his or her own number and key configuration. The name must be unique within SwyxServer.
Create PIN
Click on the button to create a new client certificate for the User. The User’s current PIN becomes invalid.
Enter the Desk Phone’s MAC address, if applicable, so that a SwyxPhone can be assigned to the appropriate User during an automatic logon. If you do not enter any information here, SwyxServer will note the MAC address of the SwyxPhone when the User logs in for the first time. If a User wants to log in with another SwyxPhone, you must delete the input field for the MAC address in order to enable taking over of the new telephone’s MAC address.
Automatic logon
Activate the checkbox to permit STUN support. In this case, the User is permanently logged in to this SwyxPhone after rebooting the SwyxPhone.
Speech Codec
Select how the language data will be compressed during transfer.
Prefer voice quality. If possible, use HD audio.
If possible, the voice data is transferred in HD audio quality. An attempt is made in this case to use Codecs in the order G.722/G.711a/G.711μ/G.729.
Prefer voice quality. Only compress audio data if necessary.
Voice data is only compressed if necessary. An attempt is made in this case to use Codecs in the order G.711a/G.711μ/G.729. Codec G.722 is never used.
Prefer low bandwidth To spare bandwidth, the voice data is compressed.
To spare bandwidth, the voice data is compressed. An attempt is made in this case to use Codecs in the order G.729/G.711a/ G.711μ. Codec G.722 is never used.
Use lowest bandwidth. Always compress audio data.
In order to use the lowest bandwidth, the voice data is always compressed. The Codec G.729 is used. See also https ://$.
6 Click on Save.