help • 10 Creating and editing Groups • Setting the voice box for groups
10.6 Setting the voice box for groups
A separate Voice Box (answering machine) can be configured for each group.
Just as with a user, a standard greeting can be played or an individual greeting can be recorded, which is then played as soon as a call is transferred to the Voice Box. In addition, you can specify whether a recording of the voice message should be possible in principle when the call is routed to the group Voice Box. In addition, it can be set the maximum length of the voice message in seconds and enter the email address to which the recorded voice message should be sent.
If the * key is also to be used to retrieve the group voice announcements via remote inquiry, the function can be activated here.
However, this requires a PIN configuration. When calling the SwyxWare group number, the user identifies himself to SwyxWare using his PIN and can then first listen to the new and then all existing voice messages of the group, play them repeatedly and delete them if necessary.
Please make sure that you create a script for group-based call forwarding in the Call Routing Manager (CRM). Otherwise, no group-related voice message will be recorded.
To define the Voice Box Settings for one group
1 In the menu, select Groups.
*A list appears with all Groups.
2 In the line of the appropriate Group, click on .
3 Click on Voice Box.
Welcome message
Activate the checkbox to activate the welcome message settings.
Select a welcome message from the dropdown list or click on to upload a .wav file.
Record voice message
Check the box to enable recording of voice messages for the group.
The date format of the Voice Box depends on the language setting in the Windows operating system, i.e. a computer with the language English (United States) will also provide the American date format (mm/dd/yy) for the Voice messages.
Maximum voice message length in seconds (3-600)
Enter the maximum recording time for voice messages.
Send voice messages to the following email address
Enter the email address to which voice messages are to be sent to the group.
Starting Remote Inquiry via * button
Activate the checkbox to permit the group to start a remote inquiry for his standard Voice Box with the * key.
4 Click on Save.
5 Click on Standard remote inquiry.
Remote inquiry enables you both to listen to your voice messages and to change immediate call forwarding from any telephone.
If you have permitted "Change forwardings" for a group, the User can change the settings you have defined here via SwyxIt! Classic.
Enter a PIN with which the User can authenticate him or herself for remote inquiry.
Confirm PIN
Enter the PIN again to confirm your entry.
6 Click on Save.