help • 9 Creating and editing Users • Set name keys and line keys
9.13 Set name keys and line keys
If you have permitted "Change User Profile" for a User, the User can change the settings you have defined here via SwyxIt! Classic, see also 9.10 Defining rights.
To define the number of buttons for a User
1 In the menu, select User.
*For administrators, a list appears with all Users.
2 As administrator, click on in the line of the appropriate user.
3 Click on on the right next to the User name.
4 Click on the sub-menu item Keys that additionally appears.
If you have permitted "Change User Profile" for a User, the User can change the settings you have defined here via SwyxIt! Classic, see also 9 Defining rights .
Number of line keys
Enter the number of line keys, which should be available to the User.
Number of speed dial keys
Enter the number of name keys, which should be available to the User.
5 Click on Save.
6 Click on Speed dials.
*The list of speed dial keys configured for the User appears.
7 In the line of the appropriate name key, click on .
If you have permitted "Change User Profile" for a User, the User can change the settings you have defined here via SwyxIt! Classic, see also 9.10 Defining rights.
Enter the name of the button you want to appear in SwyxIt! Classic.
Enter a phone number or URI for the contact or select a number from the phonebook.
Dialing options
Select the dialing options for the speed dial:
Immediate Dial
Activation of the speed dial starts the call without additional actions (e.g. activation of the line key, taking the handset off the hook).
Deleting the display before dialing
Activation of the speed dial deletes any existing data in the phone number entry field.
Intercom Connection
Activation of the speed dial starts intercom connection.
Select an image or upload an image to be displayed on the name button:
- No picture -
No picture is used.
- Automatic -
The appropriate User picture is accessed from the SwyxWare database.
Click on the button to search for images in your file directory and upload them.
Click the button to delete the image.
8 Click on Save.
9 Click on Line keys..
10 In the line of the appropriate line key, click on .
If you have permitted "Change User Profile" for a User, the User can change the settings you have defined here via SwyxIt! Classic, see also 9.10 Defining rights.
Enter the name of the button you want to appear in SwyxIt! Classic.
Use as default line
Activate the checkbox if all calls started by the User should be made via this line.
This setting is only effective if the User has not activated another line key prior to this.
Incoming calls
Select which calls can be made via this line:
All calls
All incoming calls are made via the line.
Only Group calls
Only incoming calls for Groups the User belongs to are made via the line.
Using the number
Incoming calls only for a specific number of the User are made via the line.
Click on , to select one of the User’s numbers.
Outgoing calls
Click on to select the User’s number which should be signalized when outgoing calls are made via this line.
A User has the internal extension "225", which is allocated to the external number "+49 231 55666225" . Moreover, the User has the internal extension "325", which is allocated to the external number "+44 778 88325" . If then only "225" is selected for incoming calls, this User signalizes the number "+49 231 55666225" externally.
Hide number/URI
Activate the checkbox if the User’s number should not be displayed to the contact person when making external calls on this line.
Disable line after call
Activate the checkbox if this line should remain busy for the defined time span following a call, for example for processing customer inquiries.
Wrap up time in seconds (5-1800)
Enter the time span for which the line will be blocked after a call.
11 Click on Save.