help • 12 Devices • SwyxPhones
12.4 SwyxPhones
You can connect the SwyxPhones in your local network to SwyxPhoneManager via SwyxServer service. SwyxPhoneManager is a component of SwyxServer and can also be used as a remote service. Additionally, you can use more than one PhoneManager.
For SwyxPhones to be able to register with SwyxServer via PhoneManager, you must distribute the IP address of the appropriate SwyxPhoneManager to the SwyxPhones. You can define the IP address range for the search for SwyxPhones and the PhoneManager address in Swyx Control Center. When you start the search process, all phones within the defined IP address range are connected to the corresponding PhoneManager.
The PhoneManager IP address remains stored in the SwyxPhones. Therefore, you only have to start the search process if you want to put new SwyxPhones into operation in the network.
To connect SwyxPhones to SwyxServer
1 In the menu, select Desk Phones.
*A list appears with all Desk Phones.
2 Click on SwyxPhones.
*A list appears with all IP address ranges.
3 Click on Create IP address range.
*The Create IP address range configuration wizard appears.
Enter the first IP address range to be searched for SwyxPhones.
Enter the last IP address range to be searched for SwyxPhones.
Enter the IP address of the PhoneManager to which the found SwyxPhones are to be connected.
Search period [1-72 hours]
Define how long you want the search to take.
Start the search process.
Stop the search process.
4 Click on Save.
You can create another IP address range with the IP address of the corresponding PhoneManager to add more PhoneManagers.
5 In the line of the appropriate IP address range, click on to edit an IP address range.
6 In the line of the appropriate IP address range, click on to delete an IP address range or on Delete multiple IP address ranges to delete more than one IP address range.