help • 10 Creating and editing Groups • Adding alternative numbers for Groups
10.5 Adding alternative numbers for Groups
You can define alternative numbers, which the Group members signal to the call partner on outgoing calls.
Which alternative number Users in the Group finally signal is defined on a line in the SwyxIt! Classic/SwyxPhone. Alternative numbers are marked there by the addition Alternative number.
The administrator can allow every SwyxWare User to signal the operator's number (+492314666100) externally, by adding this number as an alternative number to the Group "Everyone". This allows every User to configure this number on the line button as outgoing number.
To add alternative numbers for a Group
1 In the menu, select Groups.
*A list appears with all Groups.
2 In the line of the appropriate Group, click on .
3 Click on Add alternative number.
*Click on Add alternative number.
Internal number
Enter the number under which the Group members are available site internally.
May be preset by default: Next free number
Public number
Enter the number under which the Group members are available publicly, if applicable.
Allowed format: canonical (+<country code><area code><number>)
User or Group to whom the number is assigned
4 Click on Select.
5 Click on to remove the alternative number for the Group.