help • 5 Online Licensing • Billing
5.5 Billing
With the Swyx purchase model, the invoice is issued once on the delivery date. An update agreement is invoiced monthly.
The billing for Swyx Flex is carried out monthly according to the usage report.
You can assign the licensed function profiles to the desired users. Only one function profile can be assigned to each user. Additionally, it is possible to assign each user an additional function or several different additional functions to each user. The number of ordered function profiles and additional functions will be invoiced.
You have ordered 20 Premium, 30 Professional and 50 Basic function profiles. The ordered profiles may be assigned to a total of 100 users. 100 function profiles are recorded accordingly in the usage report.
With online licensing, the ordered number of function profiles is always taken into account. If you assign the function profile "Deactivated" to a user, you only release the ordered capacity for another user, billing will continue to take place.
You can configure additional users in advance, even if the number of function profiles ordered is exceeded. Assign the "Deactivated" function profile to the new users and order later if necessary.