help • 4 Editing General Settings • Defining login and number range settings
4.1 Defining login and number range settings
Proxy server
For online licensing with license query by the Swyx license server, there must be a permanent internet connection to your SwyxServer, see also$.
If you use a proxy server for this purpose, you must specify the required settings either during installation or in Swyx Control Center, see also$.
To define a proxy server
1 In the menu, select General Settings | System.
Test connection
Click on the button to test the connection to the Swyx license server.
Activating proxy
Activate the checkbox to activate the proxy settings.
Proxy address
Enter the IP address or the DNS server of the proxy server.
Proxy port
Enter the port of the proxy server.
Proxy username
Enter a username for the authentication on the proxy server.
Proxy password
Enter a password for the authentication on the proxy server.
2 Click on Save.
Internal number range
Under internal phone numbers, users can be reached by other users who are assigned to the same or a different networked location. For this purpose, a call number range must be defined from which the internal call numbers can be dialed, see also 15 Numbers and Number Mappings.
The following specifications apply to internal call numbers:
*Several internal phone numbers can be assigned to one User.
*Internal phone numbers may differ from the extension number of the external phone number.
Example: External phone number +49 231 5666 227 -> Internal phone number 5227
*The maximum number of digits for internal numbers is 10.
*The lowest and highest numbers in the number range must have the same number of digits.
Example: 111-999
*Internal phone numbers must not overlap with other phone numbers or codes used in the system.
Example: An internal call number may not begin with a "0" if this is used for the outside line access of the location.
*An internal call number must not be contained in an internal call number that has already been assigned.
User 1 has the internal number 12345; User 2 must then not have the internal number 1234, 1235 would, however, be possible.
Lowest internal number
Enter the lowest of the phone numbers that can be assigned to the users at SwyxServer.
Highest internal number
Enter the highest of the phone numbers that can be assigned to the users at SwyxServer.
Prevent registrations and calls
For the maintenance of SwyxServer it may be necessary to block registrations and calls via SwyxServer. Once the options are enabled, users can no longer log in and/or make calls. Existing calls are not interrupted. So you can wait until all calls are finished and then stop the server after activating this option.
Disable login
Select the checkbox to prevent logon to SwyxServer.
Disable calls
Activate the checkbox so that no calls can be made via SwyxServer.
Public IP address for SIP
In SwyxWare for DataCenter, SwyxServer (front end server) is installed in the network of a service provider. Such a network is usually protected by a firewall to the Internet. A direct communication from outside into the private network behind the firewall is not permitted; all data traffic goes through a security server. The SwyxServer inside the private network is addressed from outside (Internet) via a transfer server. This forwarding server has a public IP address and forwards the communication to SwyxServer, which only has a private IP address within the network.
SIP clients such as SwyxIt! Classic that want to log on as SwyxWare users via the Internet must configure the public IP address of the forwarding server as SwyxServer (=SIP Registrar/Proxy). This forwarding server forwards the logon and also all other CallControl messages to SwyxServer.
When communicating with the SIP clients that connect to SwyxServer via the Internet, SwyxServer needs this public IP address to indicate it as the sender. For this reason, SwyxServer must be made known via which public IP address it can be reached from outside.
In a standard SwyxWare installation, specifying a public IP address of the forwarding server does not work. It will typically have a mixture of internal clients (within the company network) and external clients (on the Internet). In such a case, an SwyxServer access via VPN must be set up for the external clients.
Public IP address for SIP
Enter the public IP address that can be used to reach SwyxServer from the outside if the server is running behind a firewall.
Leave the field empty if no public IP address is required.