help • 4 Editing General Settings • Defining client settings for all Users
4.17 Defining client settings for all Users
You can define settings that apply server-wide to all SwyxWare telephony clients.
To define settings for SwyxIt! Classic
1 Select in the menu General Settings | Client Settings | SwyxIt! Settings.
Standard SwyxIt! Skin file for MS Teams
Select a skin that will be used server-wide as default skin for SwyxIt! Connector for Microsoft Teams is to be used.
Standard skin (SwyxIt!)
Select a skin to be used server-wide as the default skin for SwyxIt! The setting is adopted by all users who have defined the "Default Skin" in the User configuration.
Standard directory for client recordings
Here you will find the standard directory in which the User's voice recordings should be stored (default setting: %APPDATA%\Swyx\Recording).
You can use placeholders:
Environment variable %APPDATA%
%APPDATA% is defined on the client computer and denotes the directory for this user's application data.
e. g. %APPDATA%\Recordings
SwyxWare User name [username]
The dummy [username] is replaced by SwyxIt! Classic with the current SwyxWare- user name. The recordings can thus be stored in a directory within the domain
e. g. \\fileserver\callrecordings\[username]\
In the default setting the path is:
All recordings are then saved locally among the application data of the user account under which SwyxIt! Classic is running. If the User should be able to edit his recordings from other computers as well, please create a share for the User within the network and configure the path for the client recordings accordingly.
For customizing a different directory, see 9.17.3 Activating conversation recordings.
The Windows user account under which SwyxIt! Classic was started is used to save SwyxIt! Classic recordings.
SwyxPhone users can only listen to recordings if they log on to SwyxServer with SwyxIt! Classic, see also$.
2 Click on Save.
To define SIP client settings
1 In the menu, select General Settings | Client Settings.
2 Click on SIP client settings.
Standard log-in mode for SIP devices
Select whether or not a SIP terminal device must be authenticated when logging in.
Standard log-in mode for SIP devices
Define the standard realm (FQDN or IP address) for all users at this SwyxServer.
STUN server
Enter the STUN server to be used by the SIP devices.
Enter the associated port for the STUN server (standard value: 3478).
3 Click on Save.