help • 4 Editing General Settings • Defining expert settings
4.21 Defining expert settings
Under the menu item Expert settings you have the possibility to change some specific settings for different SwyxWare components.
"Expert settings" are only intended for experienced SwyxWare administrators and can have a serious impact on the SwyxWare configuration. Please refrain from making any changes in this area if you are unsure about the possible consequences of your settings.
In earlier SwyxWare versions these settings were defined via registry keys.
During a system update to v12.30 or newer, parameters defined via registry keys are not changed and transferred to the database. All future changes must be made in the "Expert Settings". This also applies to a new installation of the software.
Which expert settings are displayed?
The expert settings are grouped on tabs in different/multiple topics. The individual tabs are visible under the following conditions:
Tab name
Display requirements
Visible when SwyxServer is successfully started.
Visible when
*at least one client or device is connected,
*at least one call is made.
Visible when at least one SIP trunk has been registered.
Visible when
*at least one device (HFA) is connected and configured,
*at least one firmware update is available for one of the connected devices.
Which administrators can see and edit the expert settings?
As SwyxWare administrator you have full access to the expert settings.
The expert settings can only be edited or viewed by the following SwyxON administrators:
Administrator profile
Advanced Platform Administrator
Platform Administrator
Advanced Partner Administrator
Support Administrator
Partner Administrator
UC Tenant Administrator
legend: = allowed for this administration profile
To set the expert settings
1 Open Your user profile in the title bar on the right.
2 Select View | Enable Expert Mode.
*Expert mode is activated. The warning triangle symbol appears in the title bar.
3 In the menu, select General Settings | Expert Settings.
4 Select the appropriate tab and define the required settings.
You can define following settings:
In the fields with Boolean values ("True" or "False"), "0" means the option is disabled. "1" means the option is active.
Degree of mail server certificate verification:
0 = none - not secure
4 = check exhibitor - almost secure
5 = check exhibitor, check hostname - secure
*Default value = 5
Maximum time to connect to the e-mail server,
For TLS connections, including the time for the STARTTLS phase.
*Default value = 15 seconds
Maximum transaction time for sending an e-mail to the email server in seconds
*Default value = 300 seconds (5 min.)
Time in minutes after which a warning message is sent if the attempt to send an email fails repeatedly.
*Default value = 2880 minutes (2 days)
Time in hours after which a repeated attempt to send an e-mail is aborted.
*Default value = 120 hours (5 days)
Number of text lines to be quoted in a warning message from the failed email.
*Default value = 15 lines
Maximum length of a Base64-encoded line (for binary attachments)
*Default value = 898 characters
Time in minutes after which an email send attempt should be repeated if the previous attempt failed.
*Default value = 30 minutes
Establish a new connection to the email server for each email to be sent: 0 -false | 1 -true
*Default value = 0 - false
Time interval in seconds between email transmissions (can lead to a denial by the email server if the time interval is too short)
*Default value = 5 seconds
Specify whether the call notification should still be displayed on the second line if the second call is deactivated.
*Default value = 1 (call notification is NOT displayed)
Specify whether CDR entries should also be written for CTI+ auxiliary calls (calls from/to the CTI+ controlled terminal).
*Default value is 0 (CDRs for additional calls are NOT written).
Specify whether the media bridging functionality should be used.
*Default value = 1 (media bridge is used.)
Specify whether to use the Media Manager exclusive mode for playfile endpoints. This mode should be activated if the waiting announcement is always to be played from the beginning in calls on hold.
*Default value = 1 (Exclusive mode is enabled).
Specify whether the call display in the client should also include the original call destination before forwarding.
*Default value = 1 (The original call destination is NOT displayed).
Set the RTP payload type for marking DTMF signals according to RFC2833.
*Default value = 101 (DTMF)
Specify whether group members with the status "Away" are to be disregarded during a group call.
*Default value = 0 (group members with "Away" receive the calls).
Specify whether group members with the status "Do not disturb" are to be disregarded during a group call.
*Default value = 0 (group members with "Do not disturb" receive the calls).
Specify whether the display of the call number should be suppressed for an internal call if the user has activated the "Hide number" function.
*Default value = 0 (The number for internal calls is always displayed).
Specify whether the contact name display should be suppressed for an internal call.
*Default value = 0 (The contact name is displayed for internal calls)
Specify whether call repetition should also be performed for a call over the trunk that was disconnected by "Busy" or "Reject".
*Default value = 0 (no call repetition)
Specify whether to suspend call repetition when a 183 session progress is received with SDP for this line. When stopped, the caller hears "early" tones (alert, etc.) generated by the attendant.
*Default value = 0 (call repetition is NOT interrupted).
Specify whether to record trunk recordings for auxiliary calls (calls to/from the CTI+ controlled terminal).
*Default value = 1 (recordings are recorded)
Specify whether group calls are registered in the call journal.
*Default value = 1 (group calls are registered).
Set whether to enable (1) or disable (0) the notification tones at the beginning and end of a trunk recording.
Default value = 1 (activated).
Set the refresh time in milliseconds for the STUN connection.
*Default value = 10000 (corresponds to 10 seconds).
Set a fixed trunk-specific NPN (netowrk provided number) here, which overwrites the number transmitted by the server if necessary.
Specify whether AOC (Advice of Charge) messages are to be transmitted via trunk.
*Default value =1 (AOC messages are transmitted).
Specify whether to add the "SIP History-Info" header field to the INVITEs for MS Exchange support on the trunk.
*Default value = 0 (no "SIP History-Info" fields)
Set whether the firmware update is performed by all phones without prompting.
*Default value = 0 (The prompt appears).