help • 4 Editing General Settings • Synchronize user status with Microsoft Teams • Registration on your Microsoft Teams tenant
4.22.2 Registration on your Microsoft Teams tenant
On your Microsoft Teams Tenant in the Azure Active Directory you have to register the "SwyxMsTeamsPresenceSync" service:
The service runs under the account of a Microsoft Teams user. We recommend that you create a special user for this purpose.
To register the "SwyxMSTeamsPresenceSync" service in Azure AD
1 Follow the initial steps of the following instruction:
2 Specify the following settings under App registrations | Add registration:
Enter a name for the service registry.
Supported Account Types
Select the option "Accounts in this organizational directory only (YOURDOMAIN only - Single tenant)".
Redirect URI
Select Public client/native from the drop-down list and enter "https://localhost/".
3 Click on Register to save your changes.
*Your registration appears in the corresponding list under App registrations.
4 Open the registration of the "SwyxMSTeamsPresenceSync" service.
*The Application (client) ID and the Directory (tenant) ID are displayed at the top.
5 Copy the above IDs to Swyx Control Center for the further configuration steps, see To enter the Azure AD registration data under the expert settings.
6 Select Authentication | Advanced settings and set Allow public client flows to Yes.
7 Add the following API permissions under API permissions | Add permissions, see "Adding permissions to access Microsoft Graph" under:
You must add the following authorizations if the SwyxWare status "Currently speaking" is to be forwarded to MS Teams ("MsTeamsStatusSyncMode = 2"):
*Presence.ReadWrite.All (Type: Application)
*User.ReadBasic.All (Type: Application)
If "Currently speaking" is not to be used ("MsTeamsStatusSyncMode = 1"):
*Presence.Read.All (Type: Application)
*User.ReadBasic.All (Type: Application)
8 Assign each API permission to your registered domain, see "Application Permission for Microsoft Graph" at
It is required that Administrator Consent is granted for each Application API permission, see "'Administrator Consent' Button" at
*Each required API permission is assigned to your domain:
9 (Only for synchronization towards MS Teams:) If necessary, create a secret key under Certificate and secrets | Client secrets, see "To generate additional client secrets" under:
For the validity of the client secret, we recommend selecting the maximum duration.
The value of the secret client key is subsequently hidden by "***...". Save the key (Value column) immediately after creating it in a protected file to enter it in Swyx Control Center afterwards.
10 Follow the next steps under Configuration in Swyx Control Center