help • 8 Trunks  • Forwarding and number substitution
8.7 Forwarding and number substitution
Outgoing calls can be made depending on
*the phone number of the calling SwyxWareuser,
*of the dialed number,
*of group membership,
*the location of the user and/or
*the time conditions,
be forwarded via various routes.
A forwarding entry is always assigned to a specific trunk group.
You can also use placeholders when defining rules, see 15.5 Placeholder.
You have an ISDN trunk to the public telephone network in Hamburg and a SwyxLink connection to a branch office in Berlin. All calls to Berlin (+4930*) should be routed via SwyxLink.
You set up a forwarding for the trunk group SwyxLink is a member of (destination number/URI: +4930*), setting a high priority e.g. 900. Set up a route for the ISDN trunk group (e. g. for England- destination number/URI: +44*), but with a low priority (e. g. 100). If the line is busy, i.e. all configured channels are in use, interrupted or deactivated, the calls will be established via the low priority connection (here: ISDN).
If you later set up an economical SIP connection, you can specify a route for this for all of the United Kingdom (+44*) with a higher priority (e. g. 800). The connection attempts are made according to priority order, i.e. in this case the SwyxLink connection is selected first, then the SIP connection and then the connection via ISDN.
If a user has used the selection prefix to specify a trunk group through which the call should be routed, no forwarding rules are applied to that call.
Forwarding entries can be set with different priority (0-1000) for each trunk group individually.
A sequence is created, e.g. "Try first on trunk group A, then on trunk group B".
A forwarding entry is automatically created for a SwyxLink trunk with configured Intersite settings. This entry is not editable.
If a trunk group contains several trunks, the trunk to which the caller's phone number is assigned is selected preferentially. If no trunk matching the caller number is found within the selected trunk group, the trunk that signals the most information regarding the caller is selected.
You have two SIP connections. For each of these connections you set up a trunk group:
-  User A has an internal number, for which there is a call number mapping to trunk group 1,
-  User B has an internal number, for which there is a call number mapping to trunk group 2.
-  There are routing records for both trunk groups with the same priority and the same destination number range.
When one of the two users calls an external number, a trunk group is selected based on the dialed number and priority. If no preferred trunk group can be selected by these criteria, the trunk group is selected randomly. i.e. trunk group 1 can also be selected for user 2.
If caller ID suppression is configured on the trunk groups for unassigned caller IDs, then - unintentionally by the user - his caller ID is displayed on one call and not on another call. To avoid this, if the trunks are similar, you can manage both in one trunk group, regardless of the fact that two different ports are represented by it.
SwyxWare can repeat connection attempts to external numbers via different trunk groups.
If no connection is established with the first selected trunk, the next forwarding entry is taken after the priority. Depending on the configuration, this can be the same trunk group again.
In the following example, first an attempt is made to dial a call via the trunk group TG2 (priority 600), then three attempts are made (once + two retries) to establish a connection via TG1 (priority 500). After this, one further connection attempt each (repeat = 0) is made with, in the order of priority, TG3 (with fixed prefix 01033), then TG4 and then TG5.
Trunk Group
Extended Least Cost Routing
With the extended least-cost routing, the use of remote access to the public telephone network (SwyxGate) is possible.
When creating the connection between a SwyxWare user at the London site to a subscriber in the vicinity of the Dortmund site, the SwyxServer at the London site can determine that the dialed subscriber can be reached via the Trunk based on the parameters of the Trunk assigned to Dortmund. This means that the telephone connection from London to Dortmund is e. g. first made via the WAN connection and then via the ISDN Trunk in Dortmund to the external subscriber in ISDN.
Of course, for the connection via SwyxGate in London to the external subscriber, the least-cost routing of the SwyxServer in London and the corresponding service provider.
It is often desired that the calls from Dortmund can also signal a Dortmund number. On the "Call numbers" tab of the corresponding trunk, you define which call number is signaled to a call partner. The trunk in London must then be able to use foreign (i.e. Dortmund) numbers on the outgoing call. The "CLIP no Screening" function is used for this purpose and must be requested separately from your provider.
To set a forwarding entry
1 In the menu, select Connections | Trunks.
2 Select Trunk groups.
3 A list appears with all Trunk Groups.
4 In the row of the desired trunk group, click .
5 Select in the menu <Trunk group name> | Forwarding & Replacement.
*The tab Forwarding entries.
6 Click on Add forwarding entry.
*The configuration wizard appears Forwarding entries.
7 Enter a short description if necessary.
8 If the forwarding rule should be applied immediately, activate the checkbox Forwarding entry is activated.
9 Click on Next.
*The following tab appears Forwarding.
10 Specify which criteria regarding the phone number or URI should be used for forwarding:
Use this trunk group for the following calls
Enable this option if you want the calls to be routed through this trunk group that meet the following conditions:
Destination number/URI
Enter the public phone number or URI to be routed over this trunk. You can use placeholders for this.
With call-by-call prefix
If necessary, enter a sequence of digits to be placed in front of each destination number that is forwarded via this trunk group,
z. E.g., a call-by-call prefix: 01013
Number of repetitions
Specify how often a connection attempt should be repeated (standard: 0).
If no LCR is used, but the call-by-call prefix of a low-cost but heavily congested provider is dialed directly, these repetitions can be useful to try a low-cost provider several times.
DO NOT use this trunk group for the following calls
Enable this option if the calls with certain destinations should NOT be routed through this trunk group.
Destination number/URI
Enter the public phone number or URI that should NOT be routed via this trunk. You can use placeholders for this.
Record Priority
Specify the priority with which this forwarding is applied to a Call. You can use a value between 0 (lowest) and 1000 (highest).
11 Click on Next.
*The tab appears Source.
12 If necessary, specify whether the origin of the call is taken into account. If nothing is configured, the forwarding rule applies to all calls.
You can use the two options Members of the group as well as Users of the location (e.g. All users of the "Support" group at the "Munich" site). The Phone number option can be combined with either the User or Members of the group and/or Users of the location options.
Phone number
Activate the option and enter an internal phone number or URI. Forwarding applies to all calls that signal this number or URI (internal user or group) SwyxWare-User or group). If the calls coming in through this trunk are to be forwarded according to this rule, enter the phone number or URI in canonical format. The number is matched from the beginning onward. If you enter "21", for example, the forwarding rule applies to all callers whose own phone number begins with "21".
Enable the option and select a user for whom the forwarding should apply.
Members of the group
Activate the option and select a group. The forwarding applies to all members of the group.
Users of location
Activate the option and select a location. The forwarding applies to all Users.
13 Click on Next.
*The tab Time limit.
14 Set time conditions (days of the week, time) for forwarding.
Apply forwarding entry on specific day(s)
Enable the option if you want the forwarding to apply on certain days of the week.
Then activate the desired days of the week.
Use Routing Record on specific Time of Day
Enable the option if you want the forwarding to apply at specific times.
Then select the desired times (From and To) to define a time section.
15 Click on OK.
*The forwarding is created and appears in the list of forwarding entries.
You can adjust or delete the redirects using the buttons and .