help • 9 Creating and editing Users • Administration profiles
9.1 Administration profiles
The administrator profile defines what rights this User has when he connects to a SwyxServer via SwyxWare Administration or Swyx Control Center. Depending on the profile, he can, for example, create or change Users or edit Phonebooks.
Administration profile
System Administrator
This administrator has unrestricted access to SwyxWare.
Backoffice Administrator
This administrator has all the rights required to configure SwyxServer. Primarily, this administrator can create or change feature profiles.
User Administrator
(User Administrator)
This administrator can make all configurations for Users and Groups. In particular, he can carry out number allocation, Group configuration and the allocation of administration profiles. The exception to this is Trunks, Trunk Groups and Feature Profiles.
User Operator
(User Operator)
This administrator can change all User properties and enter or delete Users. These rights are typically necessary for an administrator who should not change the system configuration.
Call Status Operator
(Call Status Operator)
This administrator can recognize the current call status in the administration, e.g. whether calls are currently being made.
Phonebook Operator
(Phonebook Operator)
This administrator can edit the Global Phonebook, i.e. for example the addition of or changes to further important company-wide telephone numbers.
No Administrator
(No Administrator)
This profile is allocated to every newly entered User as a default. With this, the User can log in via SwyxWare Web-Administration as a User and change his own data.
Please note that in a standby scenario the Users must be set up on both PCs where SwyxServer is installed. A User must, e.g. have the administration profile "User Administrator" on both computers in order to be able to edit Users, regardless of which of the two SwyxServers is currently active.