help • 9 Creating and editing Users • Defining client settings for selected Users • Defining status signaling via device
9.17.1 Defining status signaling via device
If Users are logged in to SwyxServer with different devices, you can specify which of the devices defines the status.
A User has a SwyxPhone installed on his desk and SwyxIt! Classic installed on his workstation computer. The SwyxPhone is always logged in, the computer is only turned on when the User is at his or her workplace. It makes sense to have the login status signaled by SwyxIt! Classic only. If SwyxIt! Classic has not been started, the user is still able to make calls using the SwyxPhone, however, internal employees and the Call Routing receive the status "logged off". If the user is making a call using SwyxPhone, the status "Speaking" is signaled to the employees, the status "logged off" is signaled to Call Routing.
If you have permitted "Change User Profile" for a User, the User can change the settings you have defined here via SwyxIt! Classic, see also 9.10 Defining rights.
No more than a total of four devices of any type (SwyxIt! Classic, Desk Phones, SIP phone, DECT device) can be simultaneously logged in to one SwyxWare user account.
The settings are loaded when a user logs on to SwyxServer via SwyxIt! Classic. The user can thus access the same SwyxIt! Classic settings independently of the computer on which he logs in.
To set status signaling via terminal for all users
1 In the menu, select General Settings | System.
Click on Status Signaling.
2 Activate the checkbox of the appropriate device.
You select can multiple devices.
The "Basic Client" is the Swyx Mobile app for Windows phones.
To define status signaling via device for a selected User
1 In the menu, select User.
*For administrators, a list appears with all Users.
2 As administrator, click on in the line of the appropriate user.
3 Click on the sub-menu item Client Settings that additionally appears.
4 Click on Devices.
5 Activate the checkbox of the appropriate device or activate Use server default settings.