Devices Overview of available devices Desktop phones
Desktop phones
If a SwyxIt! is installed on the PC, it can be used to interact with a phone. You can easily configure your phone via SwyxIt!. Furthermore, you can use SwyxIt! directly to operate a phone.Weitere Informationen entnehmen Sie der SwyxIt!-Dokumentation.
The following desktop phones are available:
Phone type
Headset connection
SwyxPhone L615
IP phone with 2-line LCD display
SwyxPhone L640
IP phone with an extended LCD display, display light, a connection for a Keypad module or for a Besetztlampenfeld.
SwyxPhone L660
IP phone with a color TFT display (320x240) and a connection for a Keypad module.
Tastenmodul T6xx
Additional Keypad module (key displays) for extension of SwyxPhone L640 and SwyxPhone L660. A specific model is available for each of the phone types.
Additional Keypad module (with label templates) for extending SwyxPhone L640.