Swyx WebAccess User Pictures
User Pictures
User pictures can be used for the MobileApps, but are not essential.
Pictures of SwyxWare users are automatically imported from the database. You can add customized pictures for the global phone book.
The pictures must be copied into a special folder, which is stored as a link under "Start menu | Programs | Swyx WebAccess | User Pictures directory".
Format of the pictures
The pictures must be present in PNG format with a size of 100 x 100 pixels.
Names of the pictures
In order that the pictures can be assigned to individual SwyxWare users, they must be named exactly like the SwyxWare users. Special characters and blanks are replaced by a hyphen "-". Multiple successive hyphens are replaced by a single one. Exceptions are the letters ü ä ö ß, which are replaced by ue, ae, oe and ss. Please use lower-case file names only.
"Müller, Sebastian" becomes "mueller-sebastian.png" and "Voß, Wolfgang" becomes "voss-wolfgang.png"