K.3.1 SIP Devices
SIP Devices of SwyxWare are supported. The following supplementary services are offered:

Outgoing Calls

Incoming Calls

Fax T.38

Call Swap, active
From the device it is possible to switch between an active call and a call on hold.

Call Swap, passive
The device can be put on hold by the conversation partner and activated once again.

Call Forwarding, Unconditional
The device calls another user, who then immediately forwards this call.

Call forwarding, No reply
The device calls another user, who then immediately forwards this call with a delay.

Call Forwarding Busy
The device calls another user, who then immediately forwards this call because the line is busy.

Hold, active
It is possible to put a call on hold from the device.

Hold, passive
The device can be placed on hold.

Call Transfer, active
You can transfer a call directly from the device.

Blind Call Transfer, active
You can conduct a blind transfer a call directly from the device.

Call Transfer, passive
The device can be transferred.

Conference, active
You can begin a conference directly from the device.

Conference, passive
The device can be added to a conference.

Call Waiting
An additional call can be signaled to the device (Call Waiting).

Group Call
The device can be a member of a group.

Second Log On
The device can be used as a second device (parallel operation).

Sending and receiving DTMF tones
It is possible to send or receive DTMF tones from the device. These are sent via SIP INFO (out-band) and are Cisco-compatible; RFC2833 and in-band in the RTP data stream are not supported by SwyxWare.
In case of issues with third party devices, please consult the third party manufacturer or the Swyx forum.