L.7.7 Optional: install sonar-perfmon exporter
You can install and configure the sonar-perfmon exporter on the SwyxWare system so that Prometheus can also query and save Windows performance counters and you can visualize them on a Grafana dashboard. This also includes the values provided by SwyxWare via the Performance Monitor API.
This manual applies to sonar-perfmon 0.25:
1 Download sonar-perfmon, extract the ZIP file on the SwyxWare VM to c:\sonar.
If you use a different path, adjust it accordingly in the following steps.
2 Open a PowerShell with administrator rights.
3 Install the service:
sc.exe create sonard binpath= c:\sonar\out\Sonard.exe start= auto obj= "NT AUTHORITY\LocalService" depend= "WinRM"
4 Configure a service SID:
sc.exe sidtype sonard unrestricted
5 Give the service the necessary access rights to the installation directory:
icacls.exe C:\Sonar /grant "NT Service\sonard:(OI)(CI)(M)"
6 Add the service account to the local group "Remote Management Users" so that the service can use the WMI interface:
Add-LocalGroupMember -Group "Remote Management Users" -Member "nt service\sonard"
On older Windows systems on which "Add-LocalGroupMember" is not available, you can use "net.exe":
net localgroup "Remote Management Users" "NT Service\sonard" /add
The group name depends on the Windows system language. Adjust the command line accordingly.
On a German-language Windows, use the group name "Remoteverwaltungsbenutzer" instead of "Remote Management Users" in this step.
7 In the file "c:\sonar\out\sonard.dll.config", adjust the path to the configuration (parameter "ConfigPath").
Set the parameter to "c:\Sonar\sonard.config". Set the "ExporterPort" on which the service provides the data to 5001.
Do not use port 5000, as this is already used by the HealthMonitor service.
The configuration file should look like this:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<section name="Sonar" type="Infragravity.Sonar.SonarConfigurationSection, Sonar"/>
<add key="ConfigPath" value="c:\Sonar\sonard.config"/>
<add key="RuntimeType" value="Service"/>
<add key="LogLevel" value="Information"/>
<add key="LogPath" value="c:\Sonar\sonar.log"/>
<add key="ExporterPort" value="5001"/>
<add key="ExporterCacheMilliseconds" value="60000"/>
<add key="ExporterEnabled" value="true"/>
8 Release the port that you configured in the previous step in the Windows firewall:
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="sonard" dir=in action=allow protocol=TCP localport=5001 remoteip=<ip-monitoring>
Replace <ip-monitoring> with the IP address of the monitoring system. If you do not want to restrict the accessibility of the Prometheus interface, omit the "remote-ip" parameter.
9 For a German-speaking Windows system, copy the file "sonard.de.config" from the directory "Monitoring/sonar-perfmon" to "c:\sonar\sonard.config".
10 For an English-speaking Windows system, copy the "sonard.en.config" file from the "Monitoring/sonar-perfmon" directory to "c:\sonar\sonard.config".
11 Start the sonar-perfmon service:
start-service sonard
12 Open the page "http://localhost:5001/metrics" in a web browser.

You should see a text output with all the metrics that are configured in "sonard.config".