L.7.9 Check Installation
1 Check that the Grafana and Prometheus containers are running. On the monitoring system, enter the following as administrator
docker container ls

You should see two running containers (Prometheus and Grafana). In the Grafana container, the "Ports" column should contain>3000/tcp
so that Grafana is accessible in your network.
2 Check whether Grafana is accessible and working:

Open http://<monitoring-system>:3000 in a web browser. <monitoring-system> is the computer name or IP address of the monitoring system. You should see the Grafana login page.

Log in with your admin account.
3 Verify that SwyxWare HealthMonitor is running in a PowerShell console on the SwyxWare system:
get-service Swyx.Core.HealthMonitor

The service should have the status "Running".
4 Verify that Grafana can reach the Prometheus service and that Prometheus can query HealthMonitor and Sonar-Perfmon metrics:

Navigate to the Explore page

Select Prometheus as the data source.

Enter swyx_response_time_milliseconds in the text field "Enter a PromQL Query". You should now see the response times of the individual SwyxWare services provided by HealthMonitor. If this is the case, the HealthMonitor is installed, running and providing data.

For example, enter "win_logicaldisk_PercentFreeSpace. You should now see the free disk space metrics provided by the sonar-perfmon exporter. If this is the case, the HealthMonitor is installed, running and providing data.