F.1 Overview
The IBM Notes integration for SwyxIt! Classic includes the following features:

Name resolution from SwyxIt! Classic out of IBM Notes for incoming calls and for list search

Displaying an IBM Notes contact for an incoming call

Sending an email from SwyxIt! Classic

IBM Notes functions on the Speed Dial, such as calendar information
To use Swyx Connector for Notes you need at least IBM Notes V9.
Voice messages
SwyxServer uses the SMTP protocol for sending voice messages.
Sending voice messages to a Domino server, and the remote inquiry feature are thus already supported by older SwyxWare versions.
Calendar Query
With the calendar query you can define Call Routing Manager rules, based on calendar entries made in IBM Notes.
Name Resolution for SwyxIt! Classic
Displaying an IBM Notes contact for an incoming call
When receiving a call, the corresponding contact can be opened automatically in the IBM Notes client. You can decide for each database, whether the contacts shall be opened automatically.
Sending an email from SwyxIt! Classic
Send an email directly from SwyxIt! Classic to a IBM Notes contact. The email feature can be started from different lists (e.g. the Call Journal), the SwyxIt! Classic Messenger or the context menu of a speed dial button.
IBM Notes features on the Speed Dial
Certain IBM Notes features can be started directly with the SwyxIt! Classic Speed Dial buttons.

Display of calendar information
In the context menu of a Speed Dial, you can call up the IBM Notes calendar of the person stored on the Speed Dial. The availability information from the calendar is also displayed.

Meeting planning
You can create a meeting request via the context menu of the speed dial button. The person assigned to the speed dial button will be added as participant.

Delegate Task
You can create a new task via the context menu of the speed dial button. The person assigned to the speed dial button will be added as recipient.

Resolution of IBM Notes users via the Speed Dial button
The context menu of a Speed Dial button displays whether the contact can be assigned to a IBM Notes user, one of your IBM Notes contacts, or if no assignment is possible. The menu item changes according to the assignment.