F.3.3 Saving and distributing the database configuration
After configuring the database options, any settings saved in the "NotesDbDefaults.xml" file must be uploaded into the SwyxWare database as a global file in the "Other" category. These settings are then used by any user logged on to the SwyxServer.
Even if parameter -d has been used to download the file from the database during startup of the administrator mode, the file must be uploaded manually into the database.
How you save and distribute the database configuration
1 Start the SwyxWare Administration and log in to the SwyxServer.
2 Click the SwyxServer entry with the right mouse button to open the context menu.
3 Select "Properties".
4 Select the "Files" tab.
5 Click on the "Edit" button. The dialog box with the available files is displayed.
6 Click on "Add". The dialog box for the file upload is displayed.
7 Click

next to the "File" field and select the ‘NotesDbDefaults.xml’ file you saved.
8 Select the scope "Global" and the category "Other", and enter a description if required.
9 Confirm your changes with "OK". The file is uploaded into the database. Any existing configuration files will be overwritten.
Your configuration settings are now available to all users logged on to this SwyxServer.