H.1 Installation of the Swyx Push Notification Service
Supported operating systems:

Windows Server 2016

Windows Server 2019
Requirements for a firewall:
To guarantee the data transfer between the Push Notification Service and the corresponding Apple/Google server, make sure, that the required ports on the Internet firewall are open:

iOS devices
Outbound TCP connections to port 443 on api.push.apple.com

Android devices
Outbound TCP connections to port 443 on fcm.googleapis.com
How to install the Push Notification Service
You will find this file on the SwyxWare DVD in the "PushNotificationService" directory.
1 Start the installation file ‚PushNotification.msi‘.
The installation wizard will open.
2 Click on "Next ".
3 Select the target folder and click on "Next".
4 Click on "Install" to start the installation.
The service is being installed.
5 Complete the installation by clicking on "Finish".