E.1 PowerShell support
With the help of SwyxWare PowerShell mode, administrative processes can be run in an automated manner via command lines or with PowerShell scripts.
Over 100 Cmdlets help to run both simple administrative processes as well as complex administration tasks.
It is recommended to have general knowledge of the use of Windows PowerShell before using SwyxWare PowerShell.
By running PowerShell commands with administrator rights, you obtain full control over SwyxWare, which can have grave effects on SwyxWare configuration. Test your commands and scripts and use the parameter "-whatif" in order to check the potential consequences of a command.
When all or many users, groups or trunks are processed in an operation, then the system load on the SwyxServer may reach levels that are too high.
Run the corresponding commands or scripts only within a period of low server demand.
The PowerShell module for SwyxWare supports Windows PowerShell for V3.0 and higher, and can only be used with SwyxWare V2013R3 and higher.
The PowerShell module comes default with SwyxWare installed.

You can run the PowerShell module via the corresponding symbol in the start menu entry. In this case, Windows PowerShell is launched with the SwyxWare module loaded.
Alternatively, you can open Windows PowerShell directly and reload with the command "Import-Module IpPbx".
Help on module and list of Cmdlets
You can access further information on working with the module using the command "Get-Help about_IpPbx_Module".
You can open a list of all Cmdlets available with the command: "Get-Command -Module IpPbx".
Here, you can run individual Cmdlets with the parameter "?", which every Cmdlet supports.
You can obtain detailed help on the individual Cmdlets with "Get-Help -full <CmdletName>".