E.2 Active Directory extension
This function is not available for SwyxON.
SwyxWare users can be managed in the Windows user administration. There you can

when creating a new Windows domain user (Active Directory user and computer), directly create an associated SwyxWare user and assign him basic SwyxWare parameters such as name and number

assign corresponding SwyxWare users to Windows users that already exist

change basic SwyxWare parameters in the Windows user administration

when deleting a Windows user account, remove the associated SwyxWare user directly
Installation of the Active Directory extension
The Active Directory extension must be registered in the Windows user administration. To do this, start the SwyxWare-Configuration Wizards (
5.4.2 Configuring SwyxWare) or use the program IpPbxAdExtConfig.exe in the SwyxWare program directory to perform the registration in the Active Directory. Next, for display of the relevant SwyxWare interface in the Active Directory, install the 'AD Integration' of the SwyxWare Administration on the computer from which you call the Active Directory user administration.
Removal of the Active Directory extension
When SwyxWare is uninstalled, the registration of the Active Directory extension is not removed from the Active Directory. Using IpPbxAdExtConfig.exe, which you will find on the SwyxWare DVD under "Tools\AD Extension", it is possible to remove the extensions. To do this, start a command line with domain administrator rights and enter
IpPbxAdExtConfig /u
Parameter /v is used to display the current status of registration, and /r to register the extension again.