E.3 User Import Assistant
User data can be imported from an Excel table or a directory service into the SwyxWare database. All directory services which grant LDAP access are supported. Tests were done with Microsoft Active Directory and SunOne Directory Server.
You can find the program 'IPPbxUserImport' on the SwyxWare DVD in the directory 'tools\SwyxUserImportAssistant'.
Copy the directory 'tools\SwyxUserImportAssistant' from the SwyxWare DVD locally on to the computer on which the SwyxWare Administration is installed.
You can use the following functions:

Import of users (name and phone number)

Detection of location from the phone number

Email notification to new SwyxWare users
The program IPPbxUserImport can only create users if it is started by a user who has at least user administrator rights. If you want to import from an LDAP directory, the current Windows user account must be a member of this domain.
How to import user data
1 Copy the directory 'tools\SwyxUserImportAssistant' from the SwyxWare DVD locally on to the computer on which the SwyxWare Administration is installed.
2 Start IPPbxUserImport.
3 Authenticate the access to the SwyxServer either under the current Windows user account or with user name and password. The user account must have at least SwyxWare user administrator rights.
4 Specify the source from which the user data is imported:
Directory service

Connection to LDAP directory
Specify the path to the LDAP Directory Server whose user data you want to import (e.g. LDAP://DC=company,DC=net). If the current Windows user account is not sufficient for the LDAP access, activate the checkbox and enter here a name (e.g. "CN=Jones\, Tom,OU=Development,OU=Users,OU=London,DC=company,DC=net") and the corresponding password.
If the computer is a member of an Active Directory domain and the current Windows user account is a member of this domain, a link to this own Active Directory is automatically suggested.
You can select or delete existing profiles of previous imports from the selection list.
You can check with 'Test' whether the entered authentication parameters are sufficient.
Click on "Next>".

Selection of the organizational unit
Select in the tree structure the organizational units (OU) whose users you want to import.
You can choose here how the SwyxWare user name is generated:
- from the Windows user account,
- from the full name,
- from the last name or
- last name, first name.
If you want to import only users who already have a phone number in the LDAP directory, activate the corresponding option.
Excel file

Excel Import
Specify the XLS file, and the sheet with the user data to be imported. Assign the column names in the Excel table to the corresponding SwyxWare data (user name, external number and email address, optionally Windows user account and description).
Click on "Next>".
5 Specify the location and the group membership of the new users. You can also make the location automatically identifiable from the phone number.
Click on "Next>".
6 You can define a user here to serve as a template for the new users. The procedure for this is similar to the function 'Create new user account and apply the properties of an existing user' in the SwyxWare Administration when creating a new user. However, files such as skins, ring tones, and Call Routing scripts are not included.
You also specify the call permissions and the feature profile of the new users.
Decide whether public phone numbers should be copied with the import.
If you want to assign internal numbers, activate the checkbox and specify how many final digits of the phone numbers should be used.
Activate the checkbox if the new users should receive an email with their SwyxWare user data after their creation. You can specify the email server and the text of the email here, using 'Configure email'.
Click on "Next>".
7 A list of the users to be imported is displayed with all individual parameters. You can still edit this now.
Users who are already present are neither displayed nor imported; the selection criterion for this is the user name.
Click on "Next>".
8 The users are imported.
If the import of a user fails, a red error message appears in the list, otherwise there is a green success message. The numbers of successful and failed imports are also shown after a run.
You may be able to change user parameters here in the list of failed imports, and start a new import.
Click on "Next>".
9 An overview of all imported users is then displayed.
10 Close the program with 'End'.
All imported users now appear as activated SwyxWare users with the configured properties in the SwyxWare Administration.