E.5.3 Trace Profile - Scope of Traces
A defined trace level is already generated as default. If a different setting is required in exceptional cases, Support will send you a file containing the necessary trace settings for your specific case. This file is read in. After the support case is resolved, please restore the default settings.
A few trace profiles for special cases are already supplied (.tfl files in SwyxWare folder.
How to set the scope for trace files
1 Start the Swyx Trace Tool under "Start | Programs | SwyxWare | Swyx Trace Tool".
The Swyx Trace Tool homepage opens up.
2 Select "Trace Level" in the left bar.

Restore the default settings.

In this case you read in a special .tfl configuration file, which has been sent by Support for example. Enter the path to this file, or choose one of the supplied profiles.
When you click on "Apply", your chosen settings are immediately adopted by the Swyx Trace Tool.