Feature Profile
User with this profile cannot log in and therefore they are not able to make phone calls. Their Call Forwarding is also not activated.
So it is possible to save the configuration for users, which are absent for a long time. These users will be reported separately.
This profile only includes the basic functions, i.e. users with this profile are only allowed to place calls.
This profile contains the basic functions for a telephony user:
This profile contains the functions for a SwyxWare user:
This profile contains all available functions:
Feature Profile
User with this profile cannot log in and therefore they are not able to make phone calls. Their Call Forwarding is also not activated.
The usage report records the total number of users ordered, even if these users are allocated the function profile "Deactivated".
Feature Profile M
This profile contains the functions for a SwyxWare user:
Feature Profile L
This profile contains the functions for a SwyxWare user: