5.4.6 Unattended Configuration
In unattended setup, the SwyxWare configuration is run without the need for inputs in the configuration wizard.
Instead, the configuration settings are stored in the file "Unattended.xml". You will find this file on the SwyxWare DVD in the "SwyxWare" directory.
There is extensive comment in the file to assist with the input of the parameters.
The "mode" attribute, which you set at the beginning of the file "Unattended.xml", controls how the configuration will be executed - unattended, or with the help of the graphic configuration wizard:
This is how you execute the SwyxWare configuration using the file "Unattended.xml"
1 Copy the directory "SwyxWare", which is on the DVD under "DVD Files | Swyx", locally on your computer.
2 Open the file "Unattended.xml" (also in this directory) with an editor. It is advantageous to use an XML editor.
Before the installation is executed, the file "Unattended.xml" must be in the same directory as the file "Setup.msi". This is the only way to ensure a successful call of the file.
3 Set the execution mode within the file, and store the configuration parameters of your choice.
Save the changes.
4 Close all Windows applications.
5 Make sure that

Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7.2 and

Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributables (x86 and x64) are installed.
is installed. If they are not, you can install them directly from the DVD, by clicking on the relevant link. Follow these instructions. You will find further information on the unattended setup of Microsoft .NET Framework in the Microsoft documentation.
7 If you have set the execution mode in the file "Unattended.xml" to "automatic", the configuration of SwyxWare then takes place automatically after the installation, unattended in background.
Another command line window opens. When the configuration is complete, the window closes automatically.
During the installation, your configured file "Unattended.xml" is copied into the SwyxWare installation directory. If you want to start the graphic configuration wizard once again later, you must first set the execution mode within the file to "Off", before calling the wizard. Otherwise the call of the graphic configuration wizard will remain suppressed, and the unattended configuration will be run once again.