help • 4 System Requirements • Hardware Requirements
4.1 Hardware Requirements
No special hardware equipment is necessary for the operation of a SwyxServer or SwyxGate. The software can be run on all standard PCs, which also support Windows Server. The hardware requirements correspond essentially to those recommended by Microsoft for the use of these operating systems.
Detailed information regarding the computer equipment can be found in the Knowledgebase on the Enreach Homepage.
Please note that SwyxWare only works with the ISDN cards of the SX2 family.
Please note that you may need further memory on SwyxServer, especially for recording conversations, creating own Skins or for defining user rules.
Hard Drive Memory and File System
A complete SwyxWare installation requires approx. 1 GB of hard disk space. Plus storage space for data generated during operation, e.g. announcements, voice messages, etc.
Network card(s)
The system requires a network card, which is connected to the network (LAN, Local Area Network). If there is more than one network card in the system or if several IP addresses are assigned to one network card, you must define which IP address SwyxWare should work with. There is a registry key for this purpose:
Type: REG_SZ
Name: LocalIpAddress
Value: <IP address in the local LAN>
Restart the computer after setting this registry key.
For current information on this topic, see the knowledge base article.