4.2 Software requirements
Please make certain that the most up-to-date Service Pack from Microsoft is installed when using the Windows system. Install the security updates provided by Microsoft on a regular basis.
Special requirements apply to the SwyxWare for DataCenter server components.
(A list of supported operating systems can be found in the knowledgebase article:
You can obtain more information on this subject from your Enreach partner or support.
Microsoft .NET Framework
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7.2 is a prerequisite for SwyxServer and all other SwyxWare components. It can also be downloaded subsequently via the Windows update feature, or from the SwyxWare DVD.
SQL Database for the user data
SwyxServer needs a Microsoft SQL database for storing the user and configuration data. You can choose from a variety of options:

Microsoft SQL Server Express 2019, 2022
Microsoft SQL Express can be downloaded directly from the SwyxWare DVD.

Microsoft SQL Server Standard Edition 2019, 2022
For larger installations, e. g. a installation, please use at least Microsoft SQL Server Standard Edition.
The database server must be set up before the installation of SwyxWare.
The existing SQL server is not updated in a SwyxWare update.
Mail server
To send welcome and password reset e-mails and voice messages, you need a SMTP mail server that can be reached from SwyxServer.
SMTP authentication (user name and password) is supported.
Microsoft Exchange Server for Call Management
This function is not available for SwyxON.
With the SwyxWare, Call Routing Manager further offers calendar-based call management. If you want to use this, you need a Microsoft Exchange Server or Exchange Web Services to be accessible. In order to ensure this, we recommend the installation of a Microsoft Outlook Client on the SwyxServer.
Lotus/IVM/HCL Domino Server for Call Management
If you have a Lotus/IBM/HCL environment, you can also carry out an integration for calendar based call management.
Virus Scanner
If you operate a virus scanner on the computer on which SwyxServer is installed, you should exclude the database files from the scan process.