22.5.1 Installation of the AutoAttendant
During the SwyxWare installation you can indicate whether the AutoAttendant should be installed.
The installation includes the following steps:

A SwyxWare user is generated with the name "Operator".

Two groups are created as examples, "Support" and "Sales".

The Call Routing script for the operator desk is then installed.
This call routing script is installed in the SwyxWare directory under \data\defaults\operator. This can be changed later (
22.5.3 Change Operator Script).
If the operator is not installed during the main installation, you can also create this and the groups "Support" and "Sales" at a later time. The assignment to the script takes place via the name of the user or group.
In order to log in as Operator using SwyxIt! Classic, you must assign a Windows user account or a password to Operator. To do this, open the administration for the user "Operator" in the SwyxWare Administration.
The first time you log in as Operator using SwyxIt! Classic, the Recording Wizard will start and assist you in recording the necessary announcements. You can start this wizard once again at any time from the menu bar of SwyxIt! Classic (under Settings | Recording Wizard...).