help • 6 Swyx Connectivity Setup Tool • RemoteConnector Configuring
6.3 RemoteConnector Configuring
The public endpoints must be entered in the connection settings of the client, see$
You can set or adjust the following parameters:
*The public address for the authentication service (only for a SelfSigned certificate) and the port,
*the public address and port for the RemoteConnector,
*Generating of RemoteConnector root and server certificates
*Generating and assignment of client certificates to users,
*Password management when creating RemoteConnector client certificates.
To configure the RemoteConnector
1 Start Swyx Connectivity Setup Tool under "Start | Programs | SwyxWare | Swyx Connectivity Setup Tool".
2 Click on Configure only RemoteConnector.
*The following page appears RemoteConnector access.
Enable Remote access
Enable this option if client connections via Internet to SwyxServer should be allowed.
Authentication server (FQDN)
Enter the public endpoint (as FQDN or IP address) of the corporate network through which the authentication service can be reached.
The default port for the authentication service is 9101. (If you have a TLS certificate installed, this address is fixed).
If you use a different standard port and not 9101, it has to be explicitly stated in the Client settings.
RemoteConnector server (FQDN)
Enter the public endpoint (as FQDN or IP address) of the company network through which the RemoteConnector can be reached. (If you have installed a TLS certificate, this address is fixed).
The default port for the RemoteConnector is 16203.
3 Click on NEXT.
*The following page appears RemoteConnector certificate.
Automatic password management
Enable this option if you want the root certificate password to be generated automatically.
Generate client certificates
Enable this option if you want a RemoteConnector client certificate to be automatically generated for each user.
Manual password management
Enable this option if you want to assign the password for the root certificate yourself.
In this case SwyxWare cannot automatically generate client certificates. You must do this for each user individually, entering the password assigned here in each case, see The "RemoteConnector" Tab
Password Authentication
Enter a password if necessary.
Generate certificates
Click the button to have the root and server certificates generated.
The corresponding certificate thumbprints then appear.
4 Click on NEXT.
*The page Summary appeares with the overview of your configuration.
Table 1 (A TLS certificate from Let's Encrypt or your own is already installed)
Server configuration
Public IP address
The public IP address of your network.
Server name
The registered FQDN of your network.
TLS configuration
TLS certificate mode
Manual: You use your own certificate.
Automatic: TLS certificate was obtained from Let's Encrypt.
TLS certificate valid until
The date on which the validity of the certificate expires. You must update the certificate before the expiration date.
TLS certificate name
Certificate designation, consisting among other things of the FQDN to which the certificate is assigned.
Certificate installation state
The certificate is installed for the listed services.
RemoteConnector configuration
RemoteConnector access
Enabled: Client connection via Internet to SwyxServer is allowed.
Autom. password management
Enabled: The password for the RemoteConnector root certificate was automatically generated and is used by SwyxWare.
Manual password management
Enabled: The password for the RemoteConnector root certificate has been set by the administrator and must be entered each time when generating a RemoteConnector client certificate.
Generate client certificates
Enabled: Client certificates for all users are generated automatically.
Deactivated: The administrator must have a client certificate generated for each desired user.
Table 2 (A SelfSigned certificate is used)
TLS certificate mode
Type of TLS certificate used:
A TLS certificate automatically generated by SwyxWare is used.
RemoteConnector access
Allow client connections via Internet to SwyxServer:
Autom. password management
Manual password management
The password for creating client certificates is generated automatically.
must be entered manually by the administrator.
Generate client certificates
Generate client certificates for users automatically:
Enabled: Client certificates for all users are generated automatically.
Deactivated: The administrator must have a client certificate generated for each desired user.
5 Click on EXIT to close SCST.
If necessary, resend a welcome email to the corresponding users with the new RemoteConnector credentials.