23.1 Convert Master or Standby System to a Stand-alone System
An existing standby installation with a master system and a standby system can be converted into an installation with only one SwyxServer.
Please convert only the master system into a stand-alone SwyxServer, since the hardware dependency means that new permanent licenses have to be requested for the conversion of a standby system.
This is how you convert an existing standby installation
1 Deactivate the database replication.
You need to have administrator rights on the host system to do this.
2 Master System
On the system with the master SwyxServer, open an input prompt under "Start | Run... | cmd", and execute:
osql -E -Q "EXEC sp_replicationdboption 'ippbx', 'merge publish', false"
If you use a named SQL Server instance, then please use
osql -S <master-host>\<master-instance-name> -E -Q "EXEC sp_replicationdboption 'ippbx', 'merge publish', false"

master-host = host name (NETBIOS name) of the master SwyxServer

master-instance-name> - name of the SQL Server instance on the master SwyxServer
3 Standby System
Open an input prompt on the standby system and execute:
osql -E -d ippbx -Q "EXEC sp_mergesubscription_cleanup '<master-host>', 'ippbx', 'ippbx_merge_publ'"
If you use a named SQL Server instance, then please use
osql -S <standby-host>\<standby-instance-name> -E -d ippbx -Q "EXEC sp_mergesubscription_cleanup '<master-host>\<master-instance-name>', 'ippbx', 'ippbx_merge_publ'"

<master-host> - host name (NETBIOS name) of the master SwyxServer

<master-instance-name> - name of the SQL Server instance on the master SwyxServer

<standby-host> - host name (NETBIOS name) of the standby SwyxServer

standby-instance-name = name of the SQL Server instance on the standby SwyxServer.
4 Delete the content of the registry keys "StandbyType" and "StandbyServer" in the path "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Swyx\IpPbxSrv\CurrentVersion\Options"
5 Start the configuration wizard on the former master system that you now want to configure as the standard SwyxServer. For the selection of the server type, choose the option "Standard SwyxServer".