17.1 The Basics
Prior to the server-server link there is a SwyxServer and a trunk (in this case SwyxGate) in each location (London and Liverpool) with the assigned SwyxWare users. Both locations function completely independently and can only contact one another via the public telephone network (ISDN). The SwyxServer in Liverpool only recognizes the SwyxWare users in Liverpool, the London SwyxServer only recognizes the SwyxWare users in London.
Fig. 17-1: Connection of locations in server-server link
The two existing SwyxServers can be linked with one another, i.e., a connection is established, which is represented by a SwyxLink Trunk at each location. If a number belonging to the Liverpool location is dialed in London, it will now be recognized by the SwyxServer as one of the Liverpool numbers. The call will then be directly established using the IP connection.
The configuration of an "Intersite connection" within the SwyxLink trunk means that status information ("Available", "Away", "Logged off", "Do Not Disturb", "Speaking") can now be exchanged between users who are logged in to different servers. Furthermore, users logged-on to different serves may now also communicate via the Collaboration, Video and Instant Messaging features. The relationships within the user and group properties can be used, following the trunk configuration, to define which users/groups on other servers should be signaled about the status. This configuration also makes the users visible in the respective Global Phonebook of the connected SwyxServer.
Detailed scenarios are used to explain the concept of location linking in 26.3 Linking of two locations (head office and branch). In this section, you will also find more detailed examples for the individual parameters used.