13.1.5 Tab "SIP" of the ENUM Trunk Group
Only one profile is currently available for the ENUM Trunk.
Activate STUN Support
Activate the checkbox to permit STUN support. See
A STUN server can be used to identify the IP address of the line. Supports your provider STUN, so please enter the name or the IP address of the STUN server of your provider and the appropriate port. If you would like to use STUN, although you have not received any STUN server information from the provider, you can use the free STUN server "stunserver.org" with port "3478"..
Defines the SIP realm of the provider.
An SIP URI (userId@realm) is derived from the user ID (userId), the configuration of the SIP account, and the realm of the provider (realm). If this field is left blank, the value registrar or proxy will be used.
DTMF method
This mode defines how the provider proceed with the keyboard input of a user during a call (DTMF signaling).
You can choose from a variety of options:

None. DTMF signalization is deactivated

RFC2833_Event: RFC2833_Event: DTMF signalization, based on the event mechanism described in RFC2833, will be used.

Info Method DTMF Relay DTMF signalling as recommended by Cisco (applicationtype DtmfRelay) will be used