11.3 Personal Phonebook for a User
Personal Phonebook of a User can also be edited in the SwyxWare Administration. The administrator can, for example, export an employee's personal phone book and import the data into the phone book of his (new) colleague.
Here, the entries can be marked with a check as "personal entries", i.e. other users will be signaled the number but not the name.
The administrator must have the rights of a system administrator to be able to edit another user’s personal phone book.
You can:

Open the phonebook and edit single entries.

Import other phonebooks.

Export the user's personal phonebook.
To edit the Personal Phonebook of a User
1 Select the user in the administration.
2 From the shortcut menu (right mouse button), select if you want to

open the phonebook

import a phonebook

export this phonebook
When you import or export phonebooks, a wizard will guide you through the process.
The user can change the Personal Phonebook himself with his telephony client (SwyxPhone or SwyxIt! Classic). Alternatively, users of SwyxIt! Classic or SwyxPhone Lxxx can edit their Personal Phonebook with the help of the SwyxWare. This does not apply to the phonebooks of the SwyxPhoneDxxx.