Enreach develops and markets powerful solutions for company telephony.
In contrast to the old telephone exchanges, the "SwyxWare" telephone system is a pure software solution, using the existing standard computer platform: telephony thus becomes a network application like your e-mail system, your ERP system for company data management, or your CRM system for management of your customer and prospects database.
What is SwyxWare?
Enreach is a software which turns your computer into a powerful and user friendly telephony system.
This telephone system can grow almost seamlessly from a few telephone subscribers to company sizes of around 1000 subscribers, simply by adding licenses and without cost-intensive hardware replacement.
SwyxWare offers a flexibility and capability for its telephone users, who can choose freely between a wide variety of telephone terminals.
You'll find details and advice on the efficient use of SwyxWare, interesting use cases and tips and tricks for the operation of more complex SwyxWare installations, not only in this manual but also on the Enreach Internet pages at:
About this Documentation
This documentation contains the information necessary for making the most effective use of the Swyx solution and the advantages it provides.
Who is this Documentation written for?
The SwyxWare documentation assumes that you, as system administrator, know the platforms used and their conventions.
Accordingly, a detailed description of Windows menu calls, for example, is not included in this documentation, and adequate basic knowledge of network administration is assumed.
Conventions for the Descriptions
Operating Steps
In this documentation, "click" always means: You click the left mouse button once.
Double-click: You quickly click twice with the left mouse button.
If the right mouse button is required for an operating step, it will be indicated explicitly in the text.
"Click with the right mouse button..."
Menu Operation
Instructions which refer to the selection of certain menu entries will be presented as follows:
Lists | Phonebook...
refers to the menu item "Phonebook…", which you will find in the "Lists" menu.
The context menu for an element opens when you click with the right mouse button on the element.
Special design elements
This symbol indicates safety advice: ignoring the advice can lead to material damage or loss of data.
This represents an advice which should be observed in order to avoid possible license infringements, misunderstandings, malfunctions and delays in software operation.
This indicates information which should not be skipped.
This highlights handy tips, which could be helpful for running the software.
These are instructions,
...which prompt the user to perform an action that can also be performed in several steps (1., 2. etc.).
Online Help
To start the Help system, go to the menu bar and click on "Help | Help Topics...". Many dialogs contain a "Help" button. To receive help for the respective dialog, just click on "Help". Alternatively, press the function key "F1" to start the online help to the respective subject.
Further Information

For current information on the products, please see our homepage:

Furthermore, in Swyx Help Center, you will find additional information regarding special installation scenarios as well as tips & tricks for the optimal implementation of your SwyxWare.
The latest documentation for all products can be found in the support area of the homepage: