8.12 Project Codes
To associate a call to a project, you must enter the assigned project code before making the call.
The use of project codes is also possible when dialing from Outlook.
To assign a call to a project
1 Enter '*' and then the project code.
2 End the entry of the project code with '#'.
3 Then immediately dial the destination number as usual.
The project code will now be recorded in the Call Detail Record (CDR) by SwyxWare.
You can also, for example, assign a project code to a Speed Dial (e.g. *123#, Option: activate Clear display before calling and deactivate Immediate dial) and then assign a corresponding contact partner to a second Speed Dial button (e.g. 00123 4567, please do not activate Clear display before calling here). If you would now like to assign a conversation with your contact partner to a project, press the Speed Dial with the code first and then the button with the telephone number.
To assign a call to a project when dialing from Outlook or Lotus/IBM/HCL Notes
1 Select the contact and click on the SwyxIt! symbol.
The following window appears: SwyxIt!
Phone Dialer.
2 Enter a project code or select a project code from the drop-down list.
3 Then click on Dial behind the number you would like to use.
4 The number entered, preceded by the project code, will be dialed.
The project code will now be recorded in the Call Detail Record (CDR) by SwyxWare.