help • 8 SwyxIt! Functions in Detail • Conference • Conference Rooms
8.15.4 Conference Rooms
Conference rooms are set up by the administrator. A number is assigned with which the conference room can be “entered". In contrast to a conference held only via SwyxIt!, all participants can leave the conference independently of one another, without the conference being terminated. All subscribers can then dial this Conference Room and participate in a conference with other users, who have dialed this number. You can enter a Conference Room as a member of a conference or as a listener (8.15.5 Silent conference participation).
To reach a Conference Room
Requirement: Your administrator has set up a Conference Room.
1 Dial the number of this Conference Room.
You will be connected to the conference. All participants in the conference room will hear a welcome signal.
If you are the only conference participant, an appropriate announcement will be played.
2 To leave the conference, simply go on hook. All those present in the Conference Room will hear a goodbye signal. The conference between the other subscribers continues to exist.
You can also start Inquiry Calls from a Conference Room ( To start an Inquiry Call from a conference).
Furthermore, you can add other subscribers to this Conference Room ( To add an additional subscriber to a conference.
Please remember that in this case, all of the conference participants you have added will also leave the conference with you.
In addition, you can connect another subscriber to the Conference Room. This subscriber is then an independent member of the conference and must end the connection to this conference himself.
To connect another subscriber to the Conference Room
*You have a connection to the Conference Room and
*you have a second line to another subscriber.
1 Press the “Call Transfer” button or confirm the menu item “Call Transfer”.
The other subscriber is connected to the Conference Room and a welcome signal is produced in the conference. Both of your lines are free again.
Please remember that in this case, the person who created the connection between you and the other subscriber will incur the costs of the connection.
It is not possible to directly connect conference rooms to one another. If you would like to allow the participants from two different conference rooms to confer with one another, in this case you should start a conference between both of the lines. This ‘Conference of the Conference Rooms’ will be maintained as long as you, as initiator, participate in this conference, and it will end when you go on hook.