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1.3 Call Signaling
In call signaling, incoming calls for one subscriber (A) are also displayed to another subscriber (B). Subscriber B has the option of picking up these calls. The system administrator uses the relationships of the subscribers to each other to define signaling.
The calls are displayed for subscriber B in the Windows taskbar. The Pick up button is active. If subscriber B has assigned the destination subscriber’s (A) number to a Speed Dial, this will blink. Then, if the call is not picked up within 10 seconds, a single warning tone is produced. The telephone call can be picked up by subscriber B immediately or after the warning tone (8.9 Call Signaling and Pickup).
Call signaling prevents calls from being “lost” (if, for example, Subscriber A’s standard Voice Box or call forwarding have not been activated).
You can enable/disable the warning tone and the taskbar display yourself in your user profile, but the call signaling will continue to be displayed in SwyxIt!.