help • 1 What is meant by … ? • Number (phone number)
1.5 Number (phone number)
A number is a sequence of digits or a SIP URI. Numbers are differentiated between
*internal and
*external numbers
Internal numbers are used for calling internal subscribers or groups, who are usually located within your company and are known to SwyxServer.
External numbers are directed to other subscribers in the public telephone network. They are called using your normal number. The appropriate public line access code must always be dialed (e.g. “0"). External subscribers in a public IP network (Internet) can also be called using their Internet address, SIP URI or domain name (for example,
Examples of Valid Numbers
Internal number of a subscriber within a company in which SwyxServer is used.
The number of a subscriber who can be reached via the public telephone network (local call, the 0 is the public line access in this example).
The number of a subscriber who can be reached via the public telephone network (long distance call, the first 0 is the public line access in this example).
Please note that you must always use the area code in order for the call to be delivered.
International call (the first 0 is the public line access in this example).
SIP-URI. This is constructed similarly to an e-mail address, and consists of a user name and the realm (name range, rather like a domain).