15.4.1 Uninstalling
Uninstallation of SwyxIt! is carried out in a user-friendly manner via the Control Panel.
To uninstall SwyxIt!
To uninstall SwyxIt!, you will need administrator rights on this PC .
1 If necessary, close all Office applications.
2 Open the Windows Control Panel.
3 Click on Uninstall program.
4 In the selection list, highlight SwyxIt! and click on Remove.
5 Confirm the message asking whether you really want to uninstall SwyxIt! with Yes.
The uninstall process will be carried out automatically.
6 Click on OK to close the “Program Properties” window.
When SwyxIt! is uninstalled, your user settings on the SwyxServer are not deleted. Thus, all previously created announcements and ringing sounds can still be used after reinstalling the software.