help • 2 Logon and Logoff • Switch user
2.7 Switch user
With SwyxIt! you have the option of logging on to SwyxServer under another user name.
To change the logged-on user
1 Right-click on in the tray (taskbar) and click on Restore.
*The Call Control Window opens.
2 Click with the right mouse button above the audio area.
*The general context menu opens.
3 Select File | Switch user from the menu.
*The dialog field for the SwyxWare logon is displayed.
4 Specify whether you want to log in with a Windows account or using a SwyxWare user name and a password, see 2.2 Logging on to SwyxServer using your Windows user data and To log in to SwyxIt! with your SwyxWare user data.
Note that you can only log in with a Windows account if your SwyxWare user name is assigned to the relevant Windows user account. This will not be the case if you are at a colleague's desk, for example.
5 If you have selected the option Use User Name / Password, enter the user name and the password.
6 Click on OK.
7 If you are logging in with your Windows account, select the SwyxWare user under which you want to log in.
*You will now be logged in to the SwyxServer under the new user account.