help • 4 Telephoning with SwyxIt! - First Steps • Switching between several subscribers
4.6 Switching between several subscribers
You are having conversations with several subscribers at the same time. The active connection is the connection to the person you are currently talking to. All other subscribers, who are listening to music on hold while they wait, are connections on hold.
Several calls are received at the operator desk and you would like to forward these calls to various colleagues, who, however, cannot be reached immediately. You can put the callers on hold, so that these callers will hear music on hold. You can switch to these connections on hold at any time in order to inform the callers on the progress of your efforts to connect them to the correct colleagues.
To swap between an active call and a call on hold
Requirement: You have one active line and at least one other line on hold.
1 To switch between calls, click on the corresponding Line Button.
1 In the Functions menu, choose the option Call Swap.
2 Repeatedly selecting the Call Swap function will successively activate all of the available lines.
You can have as many calls simultaneously as you have lines. This means, however, that you have several calls on hold and one active line at the most.