help • 4 Telephoning with SwyxIt! - First Steps • Connecting two subscribers to one another
4.7 Connecting two subscribers to one another
You are connected with two subscribers simultaneously. While you are talking to one of the subscribers, the other is on hold. This subscriber will hear music on hold. You can now connect these two subscribers to each other.
You are talking to SubscriberA on Line1. Line1 has a connection on hold with SubscriberB. You connect SubscriberA with SubscriberB. You are talking to SubscriberA on Line2. Line2 has a connection on hold with SubscriberB. You connect SubscriberA with SubscriberB. Then both of your lines are free again (inactive).
To connect two subscribers
1 Click on the “Call Transfer” button.
The subscribers are now connected to one another. Both lines become inactive.
When you directly connect subscribers, you may still charged, even though you are no longer involved in their telephone call. These will only occur on your side if you set up one or both of the connections. If, for example, SubscriberA called you and you called SubscriberB to inquire about something, you will only be charged for the connection to SubscriberB. No costs will be charged if you are called by both SubscriberA and SubscriberB. However, if you have called both subscribers, you will be charged for both connections.