help • 10 SwyxIt! Configuration • Local Settings
10.3 Local Settings
All local settings are defined here, i.e. all information which only apply to the computer currently in use. A dialog field with several tabs is available for this:
"Local Settings” tab
*Specifying the email application to retrieve your voice message
*Selection of the Collaboration application you want to use as default
*Setting for voice compression
To define the local settings for your SwyxIt! computer
1 Click on and on Local Settings.
1 Press the key combination Alt + Shift + L.
*A pop-up window opens where you can configure the settings.
2 Select the Local Settings tab.
3 In the fieldClient you can define the email application, which is used for delivering voice messages or when using the E-mail functionality in SwyxIt!. If any e-mail program is already installed at the time of the SwyxIt! installation, then the call for this program will be automatically entered here.
Or click on to search in the network environment.
4 Under Collaboration Tools, select the default tool for the Collaboration function. See also 8.10.4 Defining the Default Application for Collaboration.
5 In the Voice Codec area, you can use a slider to specify how the voice is compressed during transmission. The following options are available:
*Highest voice quality
If possible, the voice data is transferred in HD audio quality. An attempt is made in this case to use Codecs in the order G.722/G.711a/G.711µ/G.729.
*Prefer voice quality
Voice data are only compressed when necessary. An attempt is made in this case to use Codecs in the order G.711a/G.711µ/G.729µ.
*Prefer low bandwidth
To spare bandwidth, the voice data is compressed. An attempt is made in this case to use Codecs in the order G.729/G.711a/G.711µ.
*Use lowest bandwidth
In order to use the lowest bandwidth, the voice data is always compressed. The Codec G.729 is used.
"Rich Presence” Tab
Configuring when your status should be set to “Away".
*Your status is automatically set to “Away” when you have been inactive for the minutes specified here.
*Your status is automatically set to “Away” as soon as your screen saver becomes active.
*Your status is automatically set to “Away” as soon as your computer is disabled.
*Your status is automatically set to “Away” when you have an appointment according to your calendar.
*You can have the subject of the appointment displayed as status text.
To determine the local settings for Extended Status Information
1 Click on and on Local Settings.
1 Press the key combination Alt + Shift + L.
*A pop-up window opens where you can configure the settings.
2 Choose the Extended Status Information tab.
3 Specify in the Status area,
*whether your status should automatically be set to “Away” when you have been inactive for the minutes entered here (default: 10 minutes),
*whether your status should automatically be set to “Away” as soon as your screen saver becomes active,
*whether your status should automatically be set to “Away” as soon as your computer is disabled,
*whether your status should automatically be set to “Away” when you have an appointment according to your calendar,
*whether the subject of your appointment should be displayed as status text.
If you disable your computer during an active call, or the screen saver becomes active during it, then - even with this configuration - your status will not automatically be set to “Away". It remains as “Speaking". The same is true if you have been inactive for your preconfigured minutes during an active call, i. e. actuating neither the mouse nor the keyboard.
"Audio Mode” tab
Use this tab to configure the settings for the use of the audio devices:
*Assign audio devices to the audio modes
*specify a speaker for the “Open listening” option
*specify a speaker for output of the ringing tone
*set the volume and the microphone sensitivity for the audio modes
*set the volume for the “Open listening” option
*set the volume for output of the ringing tone
*specify additional signaling of the ringing tone via the PC housing speaker (e.g. if using a headset).
To configure the settings for the use of the audio devices
1 Click on and on Local Settings.
1 Press the key combination Alt + Shift + L.
*A pop-up window opens where you can configure the settings.
2 Select the Audio Mode tab.
3 In the Devices area, click on the respective audio mode or option.
The line is highlighted.
4 Click on the Configure button.
*The window Audio Configuration appears.
5 In the list box Audio Device, choose an installed terminal device which is to be used in this audio mode. By selecting deactivated, the audio mode will be turned off.
Using the Ringing option, assign the audio device you want to use for the call signal in case of incoming calls. For further information on audio modes and the Open listening option, see 8.3 Audio-Modes.
6 Activate the check box Prefer over other possible devices, so that the selected device will be preferred to others, when the audio mode is assigned automatically.
If you leave the box unchecked, the order of the audio devices will be set by SwyxIt! automatically. If a new device is installed, which supports the audio mode, it can automatically replace the existing configuration.
7 If you want to use the microphone of another audio device, click the Alternative microphone checkbox and select the desired device from the list box.
Setting of the microphone is not available in the options Open listening and Ringing.
8 To configure the volume of the sound or voice output for the audio mode, click on the Play button and move the slider until the required volume is set.
9 To configure the microphone sensitivity, click on the Adjust button and read out the text in quotation marks until the configuration process is completed (the progress indicator in the status bar is at the end).
10 Click on OK.
11 When you switch on the option Also signal incoming calls using internal PC speaker, a signal will also be produced over the PC speakers in addition to the telephone ring for incoming calls.
This is particularly helpful if you use a SwyxIt! Headset but you do not wear it all the time.
The audio configuration is saved.
12 If you want to set the highlighted audio mode (Handset, Headset, or Handsfree) as default, click on the button Set Default.
*The audio mode is marked accordingly.
13 Click on OK.
*The settings in the Audio Mode menu are saved.
"Terminal Server” tab
You can specify settings here for use of a terminal server.
To define the options for the Terminal Server
1 Click on and on Local Settings.
1 Press the key combination Alt + Shift + L.
*A pop-up window opens where you can configure the settings.
2 Select the Terminal server tab.
3 If SwyxIt! is operated on a terminal server, you can assign a TAPI line to this SwyxIt!.
4 Click on OK.
The “Connection Settings” tab
*Computer name of SwyxServer or fallback server or automatic server recognition
*Login with user name and password or Windows authentication
*Connection settings for SwyxRemoteConnector
To specify the connection settings
1 Enter the name of the computer on which the SwyxServer is installed, in the Server field.
Or click on to search in the network environment.
2 Activate the Automatic SwyxServer detection option so that SwyxIt! automatically recognizes which SwyxServer you want to log in to. Depending on the configuration of your network, detection is made by DNS. Please consult your administrator about this.
Entry of a server and fallback server is not possible with automatic SwyxServer detection.
3 Use the Advanced button to see the connection settings dialog for SwyxRemoteConnector.
SwyxRemoteConnector can be connected to SwyxServer, when you are outside your company network. Encryption is ensured via TLS (Transport Layer Security). Necessary certificates are managed and provided by your administrator.
When connecting via SwyxRemoteConnector, DATEV, the SwyxIt! video function and SwyxIt! on a terminal server are not available in the current version.
When using a VPN connection, however, above functions can be used in their full scope.
4 Under Logon, you can define, if you want to logon to SwyxServer with your SwyxWare user name and/or a Windows account or identity provider.
Logon with Windows account / Identity Provider:
If you select the checkbox Use Windows Account / Identity Provider, the system first attempts to authenticate with your Windows Account or an identity provider. If several SwyxWare users are assigned to your user account, you are asked during the logon process, which user to select for logging on to SwyxServer.
Logon with SwyxWare user name:
In the field User Name, enter the name of the user account on the SwyxServer, with which you would like to work. This account must be set up by the administrator. If you do not use authentication via Windows or identity provider (i.e. you have not selected the Use Windows-Account / Identity Provider checkbox), you need a password for logging on.
5 Click on OK.
To define connection settings for SwyxRemoteConnector
To enable SwyxIt! to connect to the SwyxServer via SwyxRemoteConnector, enter the following information in the field “Public Server Address” from v12.20:
The public endpoint (as FQDN or IP address) of the company network with corresponding ports through which the Authentication Service can be reached must be entered in the connection settings of SwyxIt!.
For example,
1 In order to connect to SwyxServer via SwyxRemoteConnector, select one of the three following options under “ Usage of RemoteConnector”:
First, an attempt is made to establish a direct connection via SwyxServer. If the connection fails, e.g. because you are outside your company network, you are connected to SwyxServer via SwyxRemoteConnector.
This option is set by default. You can only change these settings, if your administrator has activated the selection of connection options for you.
Always connects you to SwyxServer via SwyxRemoteConnector.
If no connection via SwyxRemoteConnector is possible, no attempt will be made to establish a connection via your company network.
A direct connection to SwyxServer via your company network is always established.
SwyxRemoteConnector is not used.
2 In the field Public server address enter the server address and/or the server name according to the information provided by your administrator in connection with SwyxRemoteConnector.
Depending on your administrator's configuration, the server addresses may already be entered.
If you log on to SwyxServer via the welcome e-mail, the server addresses are taken from the URL, see To log onto SwyxServer via welcome email.
3 Under Certificates, you can chose between the following options:
If your administrator has generated a certificate for the connection via SwyxRemoteConnector, it is retrieved automatically from SwyxServer.
This option is set by default. Certificates are automatically imported irregardless of the connection option selected. If your administrator has generated a valid certificate for you, you can also use it, if the connection option “Never” has been selected beforehand.
If you have selected this option, you can chose any certificate from the drop-down list, which is installed on your computer.
For more information on the installation of certificates, please contact your administrator.
Connection options for SwyxRemoteConnector, server addresses, as well as import options for certificates could be preset by the administrator.
If you have any questions concerning certificates, please contact your administrator.
The “Video” Tab
This is where you specify the behavior of the video functionality.
Within the video configuration, a distinction is made between
*Video data that you receive from your call partner (incoming video data).
*Video data that you send to your call partner (outgoing video data)
To define the options for the video functionality
1 Click on and on Local Settings.
1 Press the key combination Alt + Shift + L.
*A pop-up window opens where you can configure the settings.
2 Select the Video tab.
3 In the field Video device, select the web camera with which you want to make video calls.
Your camera's transmission begins after a few seconds. You will see your own video image in the dialog window.
The web camera must be connected to your computer, and you must have installed the drivers supplied with the web camera. The web camera must also be switched on.
4 Select the resolution you want. The resolution varies from web camera to web camera. In brackets you will find the bandwidth that is needed for the selected resolution.
5 By activating the option Always reject incoming video data, you specify that you never want to receive the video data that a call partner sends, and this will be rejected. Consequently, your call partner's video image will never be displayed.
However, if you always want to receive the video data sent by your call partner, then deactivate this option (default setting). Then whenever your call partner transmits video data, his video image is displayed in a separate window.
6 If you want your own video image to be transmitted automatically to your call partner on every call (whether incoming or outgoing), then activate the option Try to start outgoing video on each call.
If you would rather decide for the individual call whether a video data transmission should occur, then deactivate this option (default setting).
You can then activate video data transmission spontaneously during an active call, with the help of the video button on the skin.
7 Click on OK.
A video data transmission can only occur during an active call!