2 Call Routing
With the help of Call Routing functions you are able to define how to proceed with incoming calls in several situations. You can for example automatize the following:

Calls on the weekend
Callers, who want you to call in the office on weekend, hear, for example, the following message: “Our office is closed on weekends. Please leave a message now”. The caller's voice message is then recorded, and forwarded to you via email.
It is also possible to define additional conditions and exceptions. The behavior on weekends can be defined in such a way that the message “Our office …” is heard by all callers, except for calls made from your private home number (presuming that this number can be identified). Therefore, if you are working on the weekend and you do not want to be disturbed, it is still possible for your family to contact you.

Calls during vacation
Callers hear a message which informs them that you are on vacation until a specific date and which employee is substituting for you. The caller is then automatically connected to your substitute.

Behavior during absence or during meetings
It is possible to integrate appointments you have made in the Calendar (Microsoft Outlook/Exchange Calendar or Lotus/IBM/HCL Notes Calendar) into the rules. Then you can specifically inform a caller that you are in a meeting and do not wish to be disturbed. In this case, for example, the caller can leave a message and you can take care of this caller after your meeting or you can even have special callers forwarded to your mobile phone.

Access to a Conference Room
If a conference room has been set up, a Calendar can be created for this. This conference room can be reached for dates that are defined in the Calendar. Outside of the times, the caller will hear an announcement, for example. In order to use the Conference functionalities, the option pack "SwyxConference" must be installed.
When saving and processing personal data, observe the respective applicable legal data protection regulations.
In order to use the Calendar functionality, the Microsoft Exchange Server or the Lotus Domino Server must be configured accordingly.
The calendar functionality is not available in SwyxWare for DataCenter and SwyxON.
SwyxIt! Classic provides some preconfigured, so called System Rules, which you can use for incoming calls (e. g. "Call Forwarding Busy", "Call Forwarding Unconditional"). However, the settings which can be defined in SwyxIt! Classic are often insufficient. You can use Call Routing Managers in order to create a complex set of rules for call handling.
Call Routing uses a rule book. All rules are contained in a definable sequence in this rulebook. It automatically checks each incoming call in a defined order based on the rules stored there. The actions of the first matching rule are executed. The Rule Wizard will help you create and edit the rule book.
The use of the Call Routing Managers must be cleared for you by the administrator.
Within the Call Routing Managers you can use the Graphical Script Editor to create complex rules. This Editor visualizes rule procedures in a graphical form. For further information please refer to the Graphical Script Editor documentation.