1.12 Script
A script is a rule or action of the Call Routing Manager which has be created using the Graphical Script Editor.
Rule Script
The script is stored as an RSE file in the database on SwyxServer and it appears in the Rule Book with its own symbol

These scripts are always composed of

a beginning point “Start rule”,

the situations, conditions, and actions, and

the two exits “End Rule” and “Skip Rule”.
If a rule has been executed, this means that the Call Routing Manager will not activate any more rules for handling this call. If a rule has been skipped, then the Call Routing Manager will continue to work through the rule book in the existing sequence.
Action Script
The actions created using the Graphical Script Editor are stored as ASE files in the database on SwyxServer and shown with a unique symbol during action selection

An action script is always composed of

a beginning point “Start rule”

the situations, conditions, and actions, and

the two exits “End Call” and “Rule executed”.

An action script can also be used in other sequences of actions that have been created using the Rule Wizard. Action scripts can also be used in rules, which were created using the the Graphical Script Editor. They are available in the block "Execute GSE Action".