help • App. A: Telephoning from Third Party Applications • Configuring Third Party Applications for SwyxIt! Classic Based on the Example of Microsoft Phone Dialer 1.0
A.2 Configuring Third Party Applications for SwyxIt! Classic Based on the Example of Microsoft Phone Dialer 1.0
You have installed the TAPI Service Provider component and you must now define the following parameters in the third party application – based on the example of Microsoft Phone Dialer 1.0:
*the location,
*the local area code,
*external line code for local and long distance calls and
*dialing procedure.
The following is a description of the necessary settings based on the example of Microsoft Phone Dialer 1.0 in Windows 2000.
To configure the telephone options
1 In the Windows Phone Dialer, select the menu entry “Edit | Options…”
2 Then, under “Preferred Line for Calling”, click on “Telephone”.
3 Select from the dropdown list “Line Used for Telephone Calls“ the option “Swyx Line”.
4 Click on "Telephone and Modem Options...".
The “Telephone and Modem Options” window will appear.
5 Select your location and click on “Edit” or “New” to define a new location.
The following window appears: “New Location” or “Edit Location”.
6 From the “Country/Region” drop-down list, choose the country from which you would like to place calls.
7 Enter the area code of your current local network, without the preceding zero, in the “Area code” field.
8 Then, in the fields for the external line code, enter the number you use to get an external line for placing a local and a long distance call.
9 Click on “OK”.
10 Click on “OK” in the “Telephone and Modem Options…” window.
11 Then, in the “Options” window, click on “OK”.
If you would like to check your settings, select the menu entry “Telephone | Dial…” and call a subscriber.
When using TAPI 2.x applications, it is usually necessary that the location be configured correctly and the number must be entered in canonical format. Any public line access numbers or local area codes will only be automatically added by the TAPI 2.x if the number is in canonical format.