12.1.11 Devices
A user can show other users his status (1.4 Status Signaling). If a user is logged on to SwyxServer with several devices, you can define here, which device is used to signal the status of the user.
A user has a SwyxPhone installed on his desk and SwyxIt! Classic installed on his workstation computer. The SwyxPhone is always logged on, the computer is only turned on when the user is at his/her workplace. It makes sense to have the logon status signaled by the SwyxIt! Classic only.
To define the terminal device that will signal the status
1 Define whether you would like to use the default setting of the server.
2 If you deactivate this checkbox, you can select from the list the types of terminal devices. Activate the corresponding checkbox in the list.
Only the terminal device activated here will signal your status to other users.